Bristol Corners
Novi, Michigan
Offers many highly desired amenities as standard features such as three car garages, 4 bedrooms and 2+ baths. The close proximity to Walled Lake allows community members the ability of a stroll along the pathway surrounding the lake. Ivanhoe entitled and developed the community, as well as built and marketed final home products.
Bristol Corners offers a tranquil setting and a convenient location just minutes from I-96, I-696 and I-275, providing easy access to all of southeast Michigan. Residents will enjoy shopping at Twelve Oaks Mall with hundreds of fine shops.
Surrounding retail centers offer an array of retail shops and services. Outdoor recreation abounds. Nearby Kensington Metropark offers 4,300 acres of year-round fun. And children living in Bristol Corners will attend Walled Lake Schools, ranked in the nation’s best.